At an extraordinary Joint Council meeting between East Dorset and Christchurch Councils it was agreed that the Core Strategy will continue to its next stage. This will ensure that members of the public have their say on the future of our beautiful County.
Cllr Simon Tong moved the recommendation with the following words.
“It is a privilege to move this recommendation because it is about how we exercise democracy, and I am a committed democrat. By approving the motion we will set in train the third and most important consultation exercise of this Framework’s long development. The people of East Dorset and of Christchurch will be asked to tell us what they think of our vision for the area as it will be in fifteen years’ time. We need to know what sort of place they would like it to be for their children and grandchildren, as they grow up, go to school, work, marry and have children of their own here.
This consultation is about the future, not the present or the past. That is why we need to give everyone the chance to have their say in a free and open discussion. We need to hear the views of all those with a stake in our future – not just the narrow self-interest of particular pressure groups. Twelve weeks of open consultation should enable this to happen.
Democracy is about openness and freedom to express your views. I hope that all those who hope for a better life here – those on the housing waiting lists for example, or those desperately seeking work – will feel empowered to speak out.
This is a very special opportunity for us and for the people we represent. I am very pleased that we can share it with them through this consultation process. I am delighted to move this recommendation tonight.”
Leader of East Dorset District Council, Spencer Flower, summed it all up as follows.
“What I hope we shall see over the consultation period Chairman is real public participation with material reasons to support or object to the plans, rather than to continue with the challenge on the validity of the process, which has been proven beyond all doubt to be sound and legitimate.
You have all received a copy of my letter to the three local MP’s setting out exactly what we are doing, why we are doing it, who gave us a mandate to do it, and most importantly how by our actions the Core Strategy will offer the Green Belt a great deal of protection against ‘inappropriate’ development. If we do not have a Local Strategic Plan we will have open season with landowners and developers using National Planning Guidance to build on our Green Belt. We would also lose heavily at appeal if we do not offer a safeguard to our Green Belt through the adoption of a Local Development Framework.
In my opinion it would be seen by the general public as highly undemocratic for Members of the Council not to support the Core Strategy going out for Public Consultation. There will be time enough at the next stage to challenge individual proposals, and for certain aspects to change, but first we need to get a response from our communities.
I shall be supporting the recommendation as set out in the report before us this evening.”
Cllr David Packer, Colehill West, stressed the importance of the consultation period and the democratic process. He encouraged local residents to get involved and have their say.
The recommendation was supported by East Dorset District Councillors with 25 voting in favour and 3 abstentions.
The consultation period will run from the 2nd April 2012 for a period of 12 weeks. If you would like more information about the Core Strategy or to know how to have your say, then please do get in touch.